Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Why is pricing so important?? Mn Top Realtor Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

Why is pricing a home so important from day one of the listing??? A correctly priced home that is either priced at "market" or 10% below market price will generate generate 60-75% of the potential buyers in the market will look at the property. This is extremely critical in today's market. Homes that are not priced correctly may not even get a showing. OUCH!!!!

Here is where incorrectly priced homes end up hurting the seller even more. In a declining real estate market (which we are in). Home prices per month drop 2-2.6% per month :( So the longer your home sits on the market the more money you loose. Example : $200,000 home sits on the market for a month, it looses $5,200 OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!

On average correctly priced homes are on the market for approximately 100-125 days. Meaning this home owner would loose around $21,000. If the home owner would have priced the home correctly at $189,900 in the beginning they would have saved over $10,000 and may have received multiple offers. :-)

In today's "declining market conditions," correctly pricing a home is critical. Many home owners want to list high and then slowly lower the price. This strategy will ensure a listing that will not sale, and will be isolated from the potential buyers in the market.

Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bull or a Bear??????? Mn Top Realtor Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

So are you a Bull or a Bear in the real estate market???? Every time I turn on the news there is another story on Foreclosures and sub-prime. Here is the facts on the real estate market. Over the past few years we saw appreciation rates of 10, 20 or even as high as 30% per year WOW!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$ Why did the homes appreciate so quickly. HMMMM Basic Economics. Simply there was stronger demand than there was supply, causing prices to skyrocket. Why so much demand??? Well, that's where Mr. Sub-Prime comes into play. Anybody with a decent FICO score, a job, and could sign their name could get a mortgage. Lenders where YELLING out their windows "FREE FREE FREE Money come sign your name and buy that house you have been dreaming about." So demand for homes went through the roof.

Here is why I am Bullish on the Real Estate markets. Just like the stock market, the real estate market goes in cycles. Currently there is more supply then demand causing house prices to fall TIMBER!!!!!! However, are we going to see sub-prime lending mistakes in the future? NOPE!!!! Will we see this massive imbalance of foreclosures ever again?? NOPE!!! So although we may or may not be in the bottom of the downtrend; the mistake caused by lenders has given an excellent opportunity to BUY BUY BUY. Eventually supply and demand will start to equal out and when demand is above supply we will start to see appreciation in the market. How long will that take?? I don't know. However, in real estate if you buy a location that will be in demand now and in the future you are making a very wise decision$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Ryan Boyer

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tips for negotiating :) Mn Top Realtor Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

How do you get the best price possible??????? As a buyer you must find out the MOTIVATION behind the seller. I have several SECRET ways to find out the true motivations behind why some one is selling. Once you figure out how motivated the other party is; negotiating becomes easy and you will get the best price possible. NEVER NEVER NEVER make an offer without finding out the other parties motivation.

In today's real estate market you need every possible advantage to sell at the top and buy at the bottom.

I am offering FREE Curb Appeal Consultations to help you make a great first impression!!!! \


Monday, May 5, 2008

How to Tell When the bottom has formed. Mn Top Realtor Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

I think one of the biggest questions in real estate is: When is the real estate bottom going to form? The answer is: nobody knows!!! However there are some signals to keep your eye on that will help you determine when to get into this market.

  • Keep an eye on the Fed's movements. The fed cut last week .25 point. Although it does not directly effect mortgage rates. It does effect inflation and bond pricing which does effect mortgage rates.
  • Keep an eye on the amount that homes are declining in value per month. Right now homes are dropping around 2.6% per month. When you start to see that number go down, it may be signaling a a bottom.
  • The only way we will know the bottom has formed is when home prices start to go back up :)

Always Always Always buy a home in a GREAT location. Homes in locations that are in high demand hold value in declining markets.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Step One (Market Analysis) Mn Top Realtor Ryan Boyer Usa 4% Realty

Have you wondered what is the first step I should do as a home owner if have been thinking about selling. No, the first step is not to drive around and look at 10-20 homes and get our hopes up that we can buy one of the dream homes we just looked at. The first step is to get a Market Analysis done. A Market Analysis will determine the true market price range that you home will sell in. In today's real estate market it is important that we are realistic on our goals and expectations. When i do my detailed market analysis i pull all the homes with similar characteristics that have either sold recently or have been placed on the market. From there i can determine a price range that you house will sell in. It is important to focus on the true market price and list your home at that price. A home priced correctly will generate a lot of buyer attention and get us a PURCHASE AGREEMENT!!!! I would rather have buyers lining up to view your listing that is priced correctly, than not to get a single phone call :(

Check out http://www.ryanboyer.com/ for some FREE real estate articles (GET CONTROL OF YOUR EQUITY!!!)

Ryan Boyer